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Minecraft 1.19.4 快照 23w07a:樱花树下嗅探兽,蹊跷沙中刷古陶(含 1.20 特性) 原作者信息
一个 Minecraft Java 版快照 本周我们为你带来 1.20 更新实验性特性中的嗅探兽 (Sniffer)、考古系统和樱花生物群系。 1.19.4 更新的内容包括交互实体,以及对唱片机和马匹繁育的改动。 刷得开心!
内容改动 - 唱片机的行为与基岩版更加一致
- 马的繁育机制有改动
- 更新了 Realms 画面以匹配单人游戏和多人游戏的画面
配方解锁- 工作台配方会在创建新世界时立即解锁
- 弩配方不再会被木棍解锁
- 灵魂营火配方不再会被木棍解锁
唱片机- 在播放一张唱片时,它会释放 15 级红石信号
- 投掷器和漏斗现在可与其交互
马- 繁育马时,幼崽的速度、跳跃高度和生命值不再向平均值倾斜
- 这个改动旨在使马匹繁育成为一种选育优良马匹的可靠手段,只要玩家拥有一对优良的亲本并投入足够的时间和金胡萝卜
技术性改动- 原生资源包的 en_us 语言文件现在是按字段名的字符序排列的
- 为新方块饰纹陶罐 (Decorated Pot) 的配方添加了新的配方序列化器 crafting_decorated_pot
- 在配方数据中添加了 show_notification 字段
- 接受一个布尔值,用于判断解锁该配方时是否显示通知
- 若未指定默认为 true
交互实体一种可以记录攻击(左键动作)和交互(右键动作)的新类型实体。它们是隐形的,尺寸可自定义。 字段: - width:实体碰撞箱的宽度(默认为 1)
- height:实体碰撞箱的高度(默认为 1)
- attack:记录对实体的最后一次攻击动作
- interaction:记录对实体的最后一次交互动作
- response:布尔值,用于指定交互是否触发回应(挥臂等声效,默认为 false)
动作格式当一个动作被记录,它始终会包含两个字段: - player:执行动作的玩家的 UUID(以标准整数数组的格式)
- timestamp:事件发生游戏刻的时间戳(以长整型的格式)
进度触发器- 与一个交互实体交互会触发 player_interacted_with_entity
- 攻击一个交互实体会触发 player_hurt_entity
EXECUTE ON 与交互实体交互实体会锁定最后一个与之交互的玩家。这使如下机制成为可能: - execute on attacker:以最后一个攻击交互实体的玩家执行
- execute on target:以最后一个与交互实体交互的玩家执行
实验性特性- 添加了新生物嗅探兽
- 添加了新生物群系樱树林
- 添加了考古系统
嗅探兽 (Sniffer)- 嗅探兽现可作为实验性特性启用
- 嗅探兽是 Minecraft Live 2022 的票选生物,也是第一个被添加到游戏中的「远古」生物
- 嗅探兽不可被引诱或驯服
- 嗅探兽是友好被动生物
- 嗅探兽会嗅探空气并偶尔挖种子
- 火炬花 (Torchflower) 现可作为实验性特性启用
- 火炬花种子可种植于耕地中并生长出花朵
- 种子可用于繁育嗅探兽
- 完全长成的花可收割并重新种植,也可以合成为一个染料
樱树林 (Cherry Grove) 生物群系- 添加了新生物群系樱树林,包含漂亮的樱花树
- 你可以在山地中找到它,例如草甸
粉色花瓣 (Pink Petals) 方块企鹅注:这东西不是通俗意义上的花瓣,是能复制自身的「小型植物」 樱树木套装- 添加了一套樱树木套装,包含所有你能合成的木质方块的樱树木版本。你需要启用 1.20 更新实验性特性才能看到效果
考古系统刷子 (Brush)蹊跷的沙子 (Suspicious Sand)- 沙漠遗迹和沙漠水井现在会包含蹊跷的沙子。这种易碎方块很难被发现并且很容易被破坏,所以要留心!
- 用刷子清扫蹊跷的沙子会扫出很久以前埋藏在里面的物品
陶片 (Pottery Shard)- 陶片上有图案
- 它们无法被合成,只能通过清扫蹊跷的沙子来获得
饰纹陶罐 (Decorated Pot)- 四个陶片可合成为一个四面带有图案的饰纹陶罐
- 你也可以在合成饰纹陶罐时用砖头代替陶片
- 任何可破坏方块的工具可将饰纹陶罐重新打碎成陶片
错误修复- MC-16533 - Horse Breeding never exceeds egg/spawn horse attributes
- MC-64522 - Server shows as "Old" in server list while starting
- MC-84633 - Resource packs: ambientocclusion flag only respects topmost parent
- MC-134448 - Drowned animation glitch
- MC-181412 - Removing a jukebox with a command while it's playing a music disc won't stop playing the music disc
- MC-194080 - Elytra model stutters by flying and turning
- MC-209409 - Sitting cats sink in water
- MC-226729 - Memory leakage problem in native operations
- MC-248249 - minecraft:forest_rock feature does not work correctly when used with /place
- MC-256465 - Baby camels can enter boats despite adult camels not being able to
- MC-257282 - Allays sometimes have a several-second delay before deciding to follow the player
- MC-258457 - Resource Pack won't load if it contains reference to non-existing particles
- MC-258459 - Invalid forced resource pack can cause infinite reload loop on client
- MC-258580 - Player is kicked from a server for flying in death screen when dying on a Horse or Camel
- MC-258624 - The Title Screen Warning menu doesn't disappear after the player respawns
- MC-258697 - Invalid translation of "translationKey=narration.suggestion" in command block GUI
- MC-258902 - Opening a lectern on Adventure mode and closing it causes inventory desyncs
- MC-258907 - Advancement trigger "player_interacted_with_entity" doesn't work with "area_effect_cloud" entity when used "glass_bottle" item on it
- MC-259107 - Opening the crafting recipe book selects the recipe that appears under the mouse cursor
- MC-259218 - Onboarding isn't resumed after restarting Minecraft
- MC-259240 - The game crashes when navigating with arrow keys after changing key binds
- MC-259241 - Turtles can spawn inside each other causing them to get stuck and play constant sounds
- MC-259489 - Experimental "disabled items" can still be suggested as fuel by the recipe book
- MC-259573 - Blast Protection does not reduce explosion knockback in creative game mode
- MC-259675 - Capes occasionally jitter when moving and adjusting your rotation
- MC-259691 - Drowned that are swimming render outside of their hitboxes when looking up or down
- MC-259729 - "Falling Block" can appear in death messages
- MC-259796 - Creeper does not flash white and expand before exploding
- MC-259797 - Z-fighting occurs on the bottom of boots
- MC-259805 - Players cannot dismount when riding item_display, block_display and text_display using the ride command
- MC-259808 - Allay wing animation skips frames/loops incorrectly as of 23w06a
- MC-259816 - Odd behavior when an item_display, block_display, or text_display entity mounts another entity
- MC-259819 - Z-fighting on the text of text displays
- MC-259999 - Entities mounted on display entities do not visually update until after resync